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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tag Internship in China

Kassandra’s Summer Internship in Shanghai Review

As many College students and Graduates consider an internship in Shanghai as a project leading them into the heart of China, there is increasing demand for reviews and stories. At CIP, we are committed to making available independent and real…

Hannah’s Beijing Internship at Ernst and Young – EY [Case Study]

I joined Ernst and Young (EY) Finance and Advisory internship in Beijing with CIP during the summer of 2018. I am a Chemistry Major at the University of Oxford in the UK with an expected GPA of 2.1. I had…

7 Easy Ways to Getting Extra Income while Interning in China

recouping cost of your internship- negotiation

Internships in China can either be paid or unpaid due to the limitations on the types of visas interns are given but you can earn Extra income while interning in China. The risk of deportation, fines, and being blacklisted (or…