What Does C.I.P Offer That Is Different Than Other Programs?
– Our programs represent the face of modern internship programs, designed from very innovative research and development.
– We provide performance appraisals on all interns every single month and corrective actions are implemented to make sure the participant develops over time.
– Our interns handle real projects with clearly established deadlines.
– Past CIP interns have carved a solid reputation and earned respect from the HR Managers with our Partnering Companies. This is largely why these companies are now willing to offer stipends to current and applying interns. This is not the case through many other programs out there.
We position our participants to take advantage of global opportunities and not only the job market. We do this through…
– Professional coaching and mentoring: where participants really get to know what it takes to lead an organization through shadowing and receiving personal and specific feedback and ideas from Business Executives.
– Entrepreneurial Training: to acquire International Entrepreneurship Experiences, know-how needed to start up a business in China, and how to lead an internationalization agenda for an organization into the Chinese market.
– Grooming participants to get them prepared to fit as International Business Executives.
– Negotiation-skills training and how to bargain for partnerships and joint ventures.
– Receiving details and important skills of cross cultural awareness and negotiation skills.
What do I get from your program?
All participants receive :
– The opportunity to learn the Chinese policy atmosphere in their respective industries
– Chance to launch career in a professional manner
– Available help in case they want to start businesses in China
– Sharpened skills to aid in future job acquisition
– Access to a hub of international opportunities
We do not often hear about CIP, why is that?
China Internship Placements (CIP) started officially about 8 years ago and our marketing strategy has been offline. We recruit interns only through Career Centers and other agencies which do not warrant online presence. We go straight to universities to poach Young Graduates with excellent skills.
We later noticed that demand for our interns has been on the rise and we have several Internship positions we are not able to fill. We have therefore decided to take on an aggressive online campaign but we are selective on the kind of websites we present our profiles to.
How could I launch my career in China with your Internship Program?
Launching your career in China could be made easier through an internship with CIP. With a solidly established network of Partner Organzations and connections, we are able to recommend past participants to present job opportunities. We are able to negotiate 2 years of employment for some of our participants with partnering agencies/companies.
We also network our participants with the business community by getting them to join high profile events to meet business people and expats, as well as entrepreneurs.
Is the internship open to all nationalities?
Who is inelligible to apply?
What happens when I arrive at the airport in China?
They will lead you to your apartment and help you settle for arrival dinner and the start of your program.
Do I need Insurance?
What is the dressing code for Interns in China?
How do I prepare for China?
In addition, once you join the program and before you travel to China, we will send you a pre-departure pack with advice on how to prepare yourself for your time in China.
What type of visa is required?
In May 2015, the Chinese government have also allowed that Student visa (X1 and X2) be used for internships upon approval from the appropriate office.
Who issues the invitation letters?
Some of our partner organizations also issue these letters, so whichever way, applicants are guaranteed a visa.
How do I apply for Visa?
We will issue you a correct invitation letter with a 90% likelihood of securing you a visa. These invitation letters should be taken to the Chinese Embassy in the applicants’ country of residence for visa to be issued
We guide applicants in the filling of forms as well as all procedures required. We also coach applicants for visa interviews. Our Visa department is updated with changes in visa regulations and has been at this for the past 8 years.
How do you select your Partner Organizations?
They should submit their “Employer Liability Statement” for review to make sure it is safe for our participants.
They must be well-structured with departments and must demonstrate that they are able to deliver our standards.
What is the nature of your partner organizations?
Is Chinese language a requirement?
No!! A Chinese language skill has never been a requirement and will never be, we make sure that interns have department-heads and supervisors who can speak English. Because these companies have foreign clients, their official mode of communication has always been English.
In cases where participants would like to speed their Chinese language mastery skills, we put them into purely Chinese language environment where they quickly learn very technical business language terms without haven to enroll in a language school. BUT this is done expressly at the consent of the applicant.
What is the general culture of your host companies?
Won’t the Chinese language classes interfere with my Internship?
I want an internship in an industry that is not listed, is that possible?
Can I get a permanent Job after the internship?
How do I get to my company after arriving in China?
I cannot speak Chinese, will that affect my ability to fit into an organization?
Chinese language skills have never been a requirement and will never be. Some of your Chinese colleagues will be able to speak English. We ensure that you have an English-speaking supervisor who can act as your mentor and provide structure and support throughout your work experience.
Meanwhile, we offer language classes as part of the program components to equip you with Mandarin Skills. These classes are administered on a private, one-on-one basis or small group setting.
Will I be paid?
Due to the hard work and dedication of our past clients, Our Host Companies offer Stipends for all participants. So if you join our program, you will be paid.
We also insist that you are paid by our Partner companies, and in that way, the companies know it does not come for free and will utilize your effort efficiently. These stipends are enough to cover some of your living expenses (typically food and day-to-day taxi/bus/subway transportation).
Who decides on the Job descriptions?
Which company will I intern?
CIP arranges internships for both multi-national firms and Chinese companies in many industry sectors. We match you with a company relevant to your study or previous professional experience. All applicants should discuss their areas of interest or expertise with the CIP Placement team, who will help with the matching process.
We continually work to assess the suitability of our partner companies to ensure that they provide meaningful and valuable internships for you.
There are over 800 companies which participants can choose from (if the company also chooses them in return of course).
Are refunds available?
- We offer 100% refund of processing fee is CIP fails to get you an internship. If applicants after receiving offers decide to terminate the program, there is NO Refund
- For those who paid the program Fee in Full (this clause does not apply to processing fees) We refund program fees if, for no good reason, CIP decides to terminate the program. We also refund program fees minus any expenses made, if participants ask for a refund at least 12 weeks to joining our program.
- After arrival in China we do not offer refunds. Except for instaces like accommodation upgrade
Why demand a deposit when I have not been offered a position?
Unlike other service providers, we will inform you of the company at which you will intern once you have paid just the pocessing fee of $300 (rather than the commonly required full-fee/price for your internship). This is for a number of reasons:
CIP has worked hard to build up business relationships with our partner companies over many years. This relationship is built on the trust that we will efficiently and reliably provide interns on a regular basis. If we assign you to a company and then you do not join the program, this damages our business relations.
Many companies do not want to advertise for interns publicly, and prefer to rely on us to provide interns. If we make public which companies are looking for interns, they may receive unwanted applications.
Once you have paid just the deposit in full, we are happy to give you all the information you will need about your company around six to 10 weeks (please note this is a guideline and may differ during peak seasons). We willonly begin the placement process when the processing fee is paid and that assues us that applicants ae ready for the experience. Additionally, we work closely with the companies and interns during the internships to make sure that you get the most out of your time in China.
- After paying the Processing fee, we will match you to as many offers and pesent you the best, such that you will decide what company to work with. You will also speak with the HR of company which you selected via phone or skype. This is a good opportunity to confirm your offer and ask questions
- After that, if you are happy with the opporunity, you will sign a contract and get an official offer letter
- It is at this stage that you will be required to pay the total progra fee. At this stage, you know where you will intern, which company is hosting you (you would have also talked wih them)
I want to know about the Premium Program.
he Premium program package has some valuable additions to the Standard Package. Basically, if you take the Standard Internship program and add on a few awesome components, you will have the Premium Package.
Those additional components are: Entrepeneurial Training (see 1st link below for more details), Travel and Tour to historical sites (w/cultural activities included + Know China Tour (see 2nd lnk below), A translation of your CV/Resume into Chinese for a job search/application in China, Aggressive help from us at the end of your internship in helping to distribute your CV and find you a permanenet job position, if so desired, in China.
Who decides which company I have to intern with?
What are the durations of your programs?
How long will it take to secure an offer?
What is the duration of the entire process?
What are the processes involved?
What are the program components?
Why should I pay fees?
China Internship Placements (CIP) is a Placement Service Provider, our aim is a positive transformation of Young graduates. We maintain staff to keep this mission possible and also to ensure our programs are properly delivered. Of course in order to remain operating this requires us to pay rent for our offices, necessary equipment: computers, updated systems, transportation to meet with executives, H.R., etc from the required partnering companies we are networked with, and much more.
Aside from all this, our fees are used to provide services for you, such as:
- – Placement Correspondence and Mailing
- – Your Accommodation/Housing (large amount of fees goes here)
- – Language Classes
- – Visa Services
- – Activities
- – Welcome Package, Networking, etc
Including all the services outlined on our program content page
China is usually a new home for most of our prospective interns, and CIP is dedicated to making sure that your stay is comfortable in order that you may concentrate all your energies on your program and international experience/adventure!
What are the Application Deadlines?
How do I apply?
How much will I generally spend while in China?
It is possible to live comfortably on a budget of as little as 30RMB ($4/£3/€3) per day by eating at snack stalls, taking the bus and limiting your time in bars, but if you eat at Western-style restaurants, take many taxis and spend more time out and about, you could spend up to 300RMB ($40/£30/€34) per day. As a rule of thumb we recommend a budget of 50RMB ($7/£5/€6) per day.
Where do I live?
You will have your own private bedroom and share living facilities with one or two other interns of the same gender.
For most of the year we accommodate all of our participants in the same building, but over peak season (programs in July and August) we may use more than one provider. Most program participants will be in the same accommodation as the other participants in their particular program. This allows everyone to have the same standard of accommodation and to socialize with each other more easily.
What happens when I encounter problems while in China?
Your coordinator should hear this first and if they are not available you will have all our contacts including the Head-of-Operations and Client Services are just a dial away. We will settle it.
Can I learn Chinese while In China?
If you can already speak Chinese and would like to brush up on your skills, Our Language Department can help you organize your own lessons.
Are there scholarships to help fund my internship?
We have created see a list of available resources that you could use to help fund your trip.
Are there programs free?
Can I contact past Alumni?
How safe are your programs?
– We provide insurance for applicants to cover their health needs upon arrival up to $100,000
– We have emergency and evacuation strategies for interns in cases of disaster and that means when there is a naturl disaster, the insuance company will fly you home at no cost
– We are available 24/7 to help in any situation
Is it possible to extend the program while in China?
I am a Chinese National studying abroad, can I apply ?
What are the networking activities administered?
How are my parents/ sponsors involved in the process?
We have compiled our most frequently asked questions and address them here for your convenience. If you have more questions, dont hesitate to email us via inquiry@chinainternshipplacements.com and we will be in touch within 24 hours.
What course levels are available?
Courses are available for all levels of Mandarin Chinese study, from beginner to advanced level. Prior to beginning your courses, China Internship Placement (CIP) will enroll you in a placement test to gauge your level of Mandarin, to make sure you are placed in the correct class for the duration of your program. Schools tier their classes within levels i.e. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels are further split into further sub-levels e.g. Basic Beginner, Intermediate Beginner, Advanced Beginner, etc, this is to ensure that every student is placed into the correct class at a level that best suits his individual’s requirements. Each school has a slightly different practice of categorizing students into the correct levels, so please see our “Schools” section and check out each individual school for exact details.
Where can I find a campus map of my university?
Where and when do I get my course textbooks?
What is the class size?
What's an average day like?
What am I going to learn?
This is really up to you, the student. Learning Mandarin is a time-intensive process. There is no substitute for putting in the hard work of practicing character writing and learning new words, so each individual student’s progress is highly correlated to how much time is put in outside of the classroom to practice what is taught during class time.
As a general guide, over the course of a semester of study, we would expect the average student to learn and master roughly 800 new characters (roughly 100-200 characters per calendar month of study)
To put this into perspective:
- Knowing 200 characters will be enough to survive at a basic level on a day to day basis – introduce yourself, give directions to a taxi driver, order basic food and drink
- Knowing 800 characters will allow you to hold basic conversations in Chinese, talk about the weather, your likes and dislikes, perform day to day tasks such as doing your shopping and almost effortlessly getting around town
- Knowing 1500 characters will allow you to be able to read a newspaper without fully understanding all the characters, but allowing you to get a good grip on the context of the articles
- Knowing 2500 – 3500 characters puts you at roughly the same level as a local Chinese high-school graduate. You will be able to fully read and understand newspapers and television programs, and be able to hold detailed conversation on a variety of topics
- Knowing 4500 – 5500 characters puts you at roughly the same level as a local Chinese University graduate. At this level you could be expected to operate fluently within any situation, both professional and private, translate high-level documents and engage in conversations at all levels and for all intents and purposes operate as a well-educated “local”
- Knowing 20,000 – 30,000 characters puts you within a very small group of linguistic academic experts who command a very rare knowledge of all obscure vocabulary and subtleties contained within the Mandarin Chinese language. Not many people, foreign or local, ever reach this level – but there’s no harm in trying!
Can I receive university / college credit for work completed on my program?
What is the grading system in the university program for the Mandarin Language course?
Which documents will be supplied upon completion of my program?
Can I arrive before my course starts?
Which lesson and topics does my course cover?
How many hours a week will I study?
What are the lecturers and teachers like?
Will I be given homework?
How do I know what level to start at?
How long does it take to become fluent in Chinese?
What is the advantage of private tutoring?
Who is able to study and apply for the language program?
Who will be teaching me?
When can i start?
When will i hear back from you guys after I’ve applied?
Where in China can I do a language program?
Where will I stay during my program?
After I have sent my application, where do we go from there?
What language will the class be taught in?
What are the size of the classes?
What are the hours like?
What if i am struggling, or want to learn more quickly?
Why learn mandarin?
Why chose CIP internship?
How do i apply?
How long will it take for me to hear back from you?
How long will it take to learn mandarin?
Do I receive an invoice for my order?
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
Can I request a certain city or region to pursue my High School Program in China?
How do we get passports and visas?
How often should we expect to hear from CIP?
Plan to log in to your CIP account regularly as you prepare for your departure. Important information and resources are there for your use. Watch for regular communication via email in the four months preceding your departure. Closer to the departure date, the communication is very frequent.
When filling out an application it is vital that you enter email addresses for yourself and your parents or guardians. CIP communicates very important information by way of email, including: visa information, host family details, pre-departure orientation dates, etc. If you apply up to a year before departure, there may be some lapses before regular communication is again established. Don’t worry! You can contact CIP by phone or email any time. We hope that your CIP User account will answer most of your concerns, and we will continually update it with new information. Just keep in touch.
Can I speak with a past participant and their parents?
CIP maintains a list of alumni students who are enthusiastic about talking to potential students and their families. Request to talk to a former participant by email.
What is a language immersion program?
I’m interested in travel. Will I be able to travel during my CIP High School Year in Cina?
Will the grades that I receive abroad affect my high school grade point average?
Can I take the SATs or AP exams while on your High School Program in China?
Will I be covered by insurance while participating in a CIP High School Abroad Program?
How will my son/daughter get money while abroad?
How can I change the date of my return flights?
When will we find out the host family information?
Is there any financial aid for programs?
How will I ensure that my child is safe overseas? What if I have a specific concern?
What do you do at China Internship Placements?
What type of Internships do you guys offer?
When can i start?
How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
Why should i apply through China Internship placements?
Why learn mandarin?
How long will it take to learn mandarin?
How long will it take for me to hear back from you?
How much experience do i need to do apply?
Where do we go from here?
Where do i apply?
Where in China can i do an internship?
How much do I get paid for the Internship?
This very much depends on three factors:
- The company in which you work at, some companies pay very generously and others pay less. This depends on the type of internship it is (for example, Law, Architecture or Consultancy).
- The duration of your Internship also determines salary.One or two month internship placements may affect the amount companies are willing to pay you. Those who do three, six or even twelve months are likely to paid more.
- Your experience is also a very important factor, the more experience you have the more you are likely to get paid by the company you intern at.